Niekoľko našich držstiev zabojovalo o výsledky aj počas víkendu 16.-17. októbra 2021.
LM-KE 3:7 (sobota)
A tight game throughout. Boys were battling hard for the whole game against a high quality opponent. Unfortunately in a span of three minutes the opponent scored three goals, which ended up being the difference today.
After getting close, we lost focus on the defensive end of the game chasing the next goal. Despite the numbers this was one of the better performances from the boys. Now instead of 57 minutes, we will have to work to play at high quality for the full 60 minutes especially against strong teams.
Opponent really pushed the team to play at their maximal effort, which was another big positive for their development.
LM-PP 4:4 (nedeľa)
Fantastic end to the weekend. Win was close but two penalties within the last two minutes was too much to maintain the lead to the end.
Today was another hard battle against a high quality opponent. Great atmosphere and intensity lasted until the very end (thanks also to our „fans“). We are very happy with this performance. Players were making hits, blocking shots and really competed for the whole game. Overall a weekend filled with positive moments. We build from this foundation and keep developing as a team and as individuals.
8 hokejová trieda
Zápas s Banskou Bystricou je odložený.
7 hokejová trieda
BB-LM 7:8
V oklieštenej zostave sa hráči zomkli a podali jeden zo svojich najlepších výkonov. Hrali obetavo, snažili sa veľa korčuľovať a prihrávať si. Za to boli odmenení víťazstvom. Jediná škoda bola v tretej tretine veľa vylúčení, no bojovali do úspešného konca.
5 hokejová trieda
LM-BP 6:0
LM-PB 4:2
Text: PR Hokejové talenty / tréneri
Foto: Hokejové talenty o.z.